Be prepared for a new adventure with RAWSIP’s WOODAPPLE NECTAR


What Is WOOD APPLE fruit ?

Wood Apples are native to South East Asia and look like small coconuts. Wood apples have a hard exterior like a coconut, but have a sweet, brown fruit inside the shell, which tastes delicious. It is this delicious fruit that is used in RAWSIP’s WOOD APPLE nectar. Wood apples have been used for traditional medicines and as a relaxing drink since ancient times. Wood apples were used in Asia in the past for many benefits. Military commander and poet, Chauvundaraya (940-989AD) listed wood apple in numerous medicinal remedies. Buddhist scholar, Xuanzang (602 and 664 AD) mentioned wood apple in his accounts. All parts of the Wood Apple plant, includes the stem, bark, root, leaves and fruit has been used for traditional medicines since ancient times.


RAWSIP’s WOODAPPLE nectar is an explosion in the mouth and you will be transformed with the taste. RAWSIP products are just new, raw and sensational and with Wood Apple nectar, this will be one of the products that will change the way you think about nectars today.

Everything You Need to Know About Our Wood Apple Nectar


We, at Raw Sip, mix the flesh of the Wood Apple fruit with organic coconut milk and the sweet sap collected from the flower of palm tree (also known as kithul treacle) to weave an amazing concoction of fruit flavours to be guzzled by you. 

Our Wood Apple nectar has to be tried and tasted to be believed as the taste sensation is amazing. Raw Sip’s Wood Apple nectar is made to a superior standard. It is with this quality that the RAWSIP’s Wood Apple nectar will last in your memory.

We strive to use natural ingredients of the highest quality to ensure our products serve a purpose on planet earth. 

When you see this symbol, you can be confident that we are free from animal products. We meet the criteria set out in the Vegan Australia Certified standard. This ensures that our Wood Apple nectar do not contain any ingredients of animal origin and that animal products have not been used during the manufacturing process.

Gluten may cause problems for people with certain health conditions that is why we exclude any foods that contain gluten

We are free from Artificial flavours as they do not come from plants and are made using man made substances like petroleum, coal and tar.

Wood Apple fruit loaded with fiber. Certain types of fiber may promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and fight constipation that is why we ensure our wood apple nectar filled with fiber and meet FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand) food standards

Our Wood Apple nectar has been tested by SGS, the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company.


What others say about Us

"I felt connected to RAWSIP's woodapple nectar as it is a natural product and free from nasty stuff.

I love it!!"
Madushani (Janu)
As a personal trainer I always look for healthy beverages that is good for me and my clients. I was amazed when I found out the health benefits of wood apple fruit and how it was used in the ancient history.

Rawsip Woodapple nectar has been one of my favourites!!"
dan-personal trainer

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